Madeline - interview

Published on 8 April 2024 at 16:12

This weekend we had the pleasure of chatting with Madeline, upcoming artist from New Zealand. We got to know Madeline, talked about her new song Dancing On The Line, her big move to London and highlighted the positive effect music can have on one's mental health.


Who are your musical influences?

Madeline told us how she went to Jazz school in New Zealand and whilst there her influences was Sarah bourne and billy holiday, but now she’s venturing out on her solo career her personal influences are Amy winehouse, Lana del ray and Lady gaga


How would you describe your music?

Madeline described her music to us and said if Amy winehouse and Lana del ray partied together and had a baby with lady gaga that would be her music. Madeline told us about her writing process and how poetry and lyrics come first for her, then music afterwards, Madelines grandad was a poet and she said she takes after him in this area.


Who would you most like to collaborate with? We asked Madeline if it would be Lana.

Madeline said right now she would most like to collaborate with Troy Sivan, she loves what he is doing sonically and lyrically and his music makes her feel good.


Following feel good music, we asked Madeline if her own mental health impacts her writing process and what her thoughts are on music been therapeutic / positive for one’s mental health.

Madeline told us that going solo has positively helped her mental health, she has had to confront a lot of things but she feels calm and confident with this, Madeline told us how she feels at peace at the moment. Madeline expressed how difficult it can be to be vulnerable but when writing she’s able to open up. Madeline believes music allows individuals to connect deeper than talking, music itself can make you feel calm, happy, sad etc, all emotions can be felt through music alone, then adding in the lyrics can heighten those emotions.

What is your go to karaoke song ?

Madeleines current go to karaoke song is Murder on the dancefloor - Sophie ellis Baxter, Madeline said even before the songs revival thanks to saltburn this would be her go to, partially because Sophie is Australian.


What is the best advice you have ever been given?

Madeline informed us that she recently received some good advice from a close friend in the music industry, she was told to do what her gut tells her, and to be 100% in, you have to back yourself and do what you want to do.


Dream venue to perform?

Royal Albert Hall

Is your music the reason you’ve taken the big move to London?

Madeline said she’s always dreamt of moving to London and how the idea has been in her head since she was around 6 years old, but her music was mostly the reason she’s made the move over here.


What’s next for you?

Dancing on the line, Madelines next release is out May 17th.


We asked Madeline if she could tell us a little about the track or is it under wraps till May?

Madeline was happy to tell us about her upcoming release, Dancing on the line is a song Madeline is most proud of, she talked about the writing process and told us how the song actually came about unintentionally. Whilst Madeline was in a week long writing session she had wrote two other songs which will be released later this year, when she began writing dancing on the line, Madeline knew from the beginning that she wanted the main line to be dancing on the line and that her song would relate to drug addiction, Madeline talked about how she hasn’t had any personal experience with addiction so she spoke with friends who had loved ones who struggled with addiction so she could learn more for her writing, however whilst writing the song it quickly began relating more to her previous relationship.


Madeline expressed how she mourned for this relationship but it also empowered her, she healed and became who she is today. Madeline told us she has 4 songs been released this year, one been from when she wrote Consume and The Illawerra. Madeline is looking forward to live shows in London this year and getting back to the studio in September.


It was an absolute pleasure chatting with Madeline and learning more about her and her writing process, we cannot wait to hear dancing on the line and see lots more of her this year!

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